Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Glory Glory Halleluiah!

Christmas for kids was great! It was pretty crowded and the amount of toys and gift cards we recieved was phenomonal. I forgot to mention in the last entry that we have a group of kids from the Peter Smith School Of Irish Dancing come and dance every year. These young kids are so talented and they really kick the whole event up like 20 notches. They come all dressed in the traditional garb and put on such a good show that it always prompts a standing ovation. These kids must put so much time into thier routines. We can't thank them enough for dancing at our event every year.Here are a few pictures from the event. Stupid me forgot to take a picture of all the toys and gift cards we recieved. There was so much stuff and I hope it was enough to help all these kids have a happier christmas.
The gig on saturday was really fun. A bunch of our friends made the trip out to hershey to go to the gig. We all had a blast. Drank some beers ,they danced, we played but we all had a good time.
I only have a few pics from that show so I'll post them at a later date.
I'm trying to think of a good HNT for this week. Last weeks came out pretty good, at least I thought so. I got a couple of nice comments about it and that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm not sure I can top last weeks though. Anyway, I have a really busy week and weekend coming up so I'll end it here and try and get some rest.


Blogger Robin said...

Thanks for stopping back by today!

You shot that with a Mavica? I'll be damned -- I had one (well, still have two to be precise) but I guess I never mastered it because I never turned out a macro that good!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005  

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