Wednesday, November 02, 2005

HNT I think

O.K. I'm here with my first HNT picture. It sort of looks like some wheat field or the pelt of a very large animal but it's either. It's my god damn head. I think it's about time for a haircut don't you? It's starting to look very Heat Miseresque. I mean I can't complain. At least I still have all of my hair. Most of my friends are either bald or balding so they look at my rapidly growing hair with envy. I just had it cut a month ago and pretty damn short too. This shit grows like weeds. I guess I have my grandfathers hair. He had a mop on the top of his head his entire life right up to his death. His hair was really thick and white. I don't have any gray yet which to me is not really a bad thing. I think gray hair adds a little character and the sense that the person is a little older and a little wiser. Any way that's it. Thats my first HNT. Pretty lame I know but I wanted to get in on this whole thing and today is the only time I had to do it.

On thursday We are going to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in New York with the two oldest kids. The youngest is staying with the neighbors. He is 1 1/2 years old so I don't think he would be too into the whole sitting down and watching a broadway play thing. I'm looking forward to it. I remember the MGM movie from my childhood so it will be fun to share that with my kids. Happy HNT!


Blogger HS said...

great pics and great story!

Make sure that you post on osbasso's site that you have a hnt pic up so everyone knows and can visit!

Happy HNT I look forward to next week!

Friday, November 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey great virgin pic. Welcome to the commnity.

Happy HNT

Saturday, November 05, 2005  

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