Friday, December 09, 2005

A late HNT

I have really been slacking off lately with this whole blog thing. Here is a late HNT. Sorry. I have been so busy and I can't seem to get a second to relax and breathe. Work and home life have both been crazy with christmas just around the corner...oh sorry...."the holidays" just around the corner. You can't say Merry Christmas anymore. A kid in New York got suspended for saying Merry Christmas to another kid in school. If my kid ever got suspended for wishing someone a merry christmas I'd flip my fucking lid. I'd be down at that school and believe me I wouldn't be spreadin holiday cheer around. Someone would have a fucking foot up their ass. sorry, I had to get that off of my chest.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the holidays. We're going up to Maine the day after Christmas for some much needed relaxation with my folks. That is if we don't get too much snow. It snowed like a bastard here today. I don't really know how a bastard snows but if one did it really did it here today. This is a picture outside of my building. Pretty huh? I think so. I really love the snow. As much as it's a pain in the ass I still love it. My wife thinks I'm nuts but she's one of those people that is cold all the time in the winter. The cold doesn't bother me. I knd of like wearing sweaters and shit like that anyway so I'm always comfortable with the cold temperatures. man this is a boring ass entry.
Tonight we (the band) are throwing our annual "Christmas for Kids" party at the local parish center. There is no charge to get in all you do is bring a toy or a gift card to the party and you're in. We play all night and there is beer and wine and food all donated by local businesses. Last year about 350 attended so we hope this year is as good with the snow and all. We collect the toys and gift cards and give them to the needy children is our town. Believe it or not there are needy children in almost every town in the U.S.. You may not see them but they're there.I was never aware until we decided to start this benefit every year that we had so many needy kids in our town. The thought of these poor kids getting nothing for christmas really breaks my heart.I mean to me christmas is really special and not because you get presents. It's special for personal reasons and beliefs now, but when I was a kid it was mostly about the presents. So I hope that we bring a little joy into the hearts of these kids this year and every year from now on. This year the local politicians are trying to get into the act seeing as it's been such a big hit since we started doing it. We have always done it through the local elementary school where one of the band members wife is a teacher. It works really well that way, no strings. The presents go directly to the kids who are supposed to get them. Now the mayor wants to get in and it's really complicating things. We're not going to let that happen though. It's too important to us to watch someone else fuck it all up. I hope it gets bigger every year for the sake of these kids. I have met several of these kids and they are all such sweethearts. Even the older ones in high school. What they lack in finacial stability they make up for in sheer kindness and optimism.
Tomorrow we are playing up in hershey again so it's going to be a busy weekend as well. I NEED A FUCKING VACATION.
Time for me to get back to work as much as I don't want to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn that is some magnification. Brilliant pic. I am a little envious of the scenery outside your building. Happy HNT Rob

Friday, December 09, 2005  
Blogger Robin said...

Happy belated HNT! I can't believe the clarity of this shot! What were you shooting with? It's amazingly cool.

Friday, December 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006  

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