I Have Officially Moved
Yep, I am no longer a Beny, I am now a shore boy, No longer a boy of summer. I have only one thing to say and that is "MOVING FUCKING SUCKS!!!!". It really does suck. We have been in this house for ten years and the shit we have accumulated over the years has been mind boggling. I have been packing up boxes and moving boxes and throwing boxes away (recycling of course) for a week and a half now all the while working and leaving my old job then making the transition to a new job. I must be nuts. Well anyway it's basically over. I have a few things left at the old house that I have to pick up after work today. Yeah that's right, I said work, It's Sunday and I got suckered into working at the movie theater. Like I don't have enough shit to do. I don't know why I'm complaining, this guy Jason who is a great guy asked me to fill in for him and I said "Sure, No problem man, I'd be glad to work for you". I made my bed so I guess I'll just suck it up and sleep in it. I have to learn not to be such a pushover. That would be tough, it's just not in my nature to put myself first and say no when one of my friends or a family member needs a little help. I have so much stuff to do in the next couple of weeks that I feel like pulling my hair out. I need to take a deep breath.......excuse me for a minute.........aaaahhhhhhhh............that's better. Now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I leave for a relaxing no nonsense vacation to our house on the lake in Maine in about three and a half weeks. I can't fucking wait. It will be a much needed break. My sister and her family and my folks will be there so it will be a blast. It's not often that we are all together in one place. My folks live in Maine, my sister in Minneapolis an I live in Jersey. I can't wait to hang with all of them.
O.K. listen to this, This might take a while so hang in there. A few weeks ago we went to Minneapolis to visit my sister and see The Police in concert (great fucking show by the way). Here's the scenario, we are flying out of Newark at 5:50pm but first we have to go to my daughters dance recital, she's four and she was so excited about it. The recital is at 1:00pm and is supposed to last for three hours so we were going to be cutting it close. My parents came down from Maine to watch the kids while we were away. So Saturday is going to be a busy day for us at least we thought, if we had only known what was about to happen. My mother comes into my room at about 3:30am Saturday morning and says "Dad isn't feeling well so I'm going to take him to the emergency room. Now my Dad is a minister and goes to see people in the hospital at least twice a week. But he is 72 and has never been in a hospital for himself. He was even born at home. Now I knew that something was up. We go to the emergency room and his heart is racing really fast. The beats are all out of sync. They give him some medication intravenously to even out his heart beat. At about 6:30 am I go home to get some things for him and my mother as he will probably be spending the night. While I was at home my wife and I both agreed with out even having to think about it that we were no longer going to Minneapolis. On the way back to the hospital I start to pray. Now even though my Dad is a minister and I have been around a church for most of my life, I'm not sure I believe in all that stuff. Let's say I'm conflicted. So anyway I'm saying to whoever or whatever is out there "Please let my Dad be O.K., and when am I gonna catch a break for crying out loud". I said that because lately it seems everything is going the wrong way. Nothing seems to be working out in my life lately. With work and moving and the band has been really slow lately and other things. So with all this in my mind I get back to the hospital and the cardiologist is there talking to my folks. My Dad's heart is back on track. the doc says he thinks it was atrio-fibulation(not sure if that's right) and that he can't explain why it happened. He said it could be caused by a number of things. They want to keep him there overnight just to make sure. My Dad says to me that If we don't go to Minneapolis he will feel horrible and basically orders me to go. So I don't know what to do at this point. I go outside and call my wife to let her know that he is o.k. and that he wants us to go. My wife says to me "On the bright side I have some good news, Pat called". Now Pat is our receptionist at work and I'm thinking that now I have to go to work on an emergency call or my boss wants to talk to me about the fact that I'm leaving the company after 12 years and he wants to covince me to stay or something like that. I am in a lottery group with Pat and four other people. So I say to my wife "What did she want?" and my wife says "She called and said that you guys won $250,000 dollars!". Now I don't know if you have ever seen "The Jerk" with Steve Martin but there is a scene when he cashes a check that he thinks is for $250 bucks but when he realizes that it's for $250 thousand dollars his head spins all the way around. That was me. Holy shit talk about a clash of emotions. I hang up the phone, now I am standing out in front of the hospital and I start to cry. I just couldn't control it, I was sad and happy and confused and at this point probably starting to get a bit tired. Looks like whoever or whatever I was talking to in the car threw me a bone. To make a long story short with a happy ending, My dad is o.k., we went to Minneapolis and saw the police, I won the lottery (that damn power ball, that would have been 78 million, hey beggars can't be choosers) and my daughters recital was absolutely awesome. I was so proud of her. So now life goes on and everyone is fine and I am so thankful for that. Tomorrow is another day.